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animated posts like the one below.
animated posts like the one below.
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Another Gospel Tract Designer? Why?
I am a big supporter of gospel tracts. As a matter of fact, I was saved through reading just one gospel tract back in 1976. And I have been going strong ever since!
Most gospel tracts today are boring, and/or have a weak, watered-down message. The boring ones are thrown in the trash unread, and are therefore worthless. The watered-down gospel tracts are actually harmful to the soul, producing millions upon millions of false converts who are led to believe that they have eternal life simply for believing in the existence of Jesus, as they continue on their way to hell. The problem with those types of gospel tracts is that they leave out one or more of the three essential points of information which the reader must be aware of in order to be saved: 1) Jesus Christ died for his sins, 2) Jesus rose from the dead (came alive again), and 3) The reader must repent (make a genuine commitment to God to turn from his sins and submit to Him completely).
In contrast to the typical gospel tracts of today, the gospel tracts on this website are always clear, hard-hitting, and designed to stir the emotions, conscience, and spirit. And no critical information is left out. The artwork is designed to keep the reader's attention throughout the entire presentation. Every one of these gospel tracts is designed to lead the reader to Christ immediately, resulting in genuine eternal life. Each gospel tract includes a recommended salvation prayer to call on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13), so that the reader isn't left wondering what to do next. After the prayer of salvation, the reader is advised: “Now talk to God and read the Bible every day—and obey it.”
We are all in this together; not to make money, but to get as many souls saved as possible. Therefore, all of the downloads on this website are free. There are no licenses, contracts, or fees. Whether you need one copy or ten million, you have permission to freely reprint and distribute unlimited copies, as long as they are unaltered in any way, and as long as they are not sold. Simply download your selection(s), print, fold, and pass them out! You can hand them out to everyone that you meet every day, and you can even give them out by the thousands, out on the streets and other public places!
In addition to gospel tracts, this website also has Christian instruction and more. Everything is free and reproducible in unlimited quantities! I encourage you to make use of everything. Once you save your selection(s) to your computer, you will have a source of unlimited reprints for your own personal ministry!
This website also has animated posts which you can share on social media and/or download to the video section of your computer. Be inspired and enjoy! Please refer other believers to this website, so that together we can get the message out to as many people as possible. May God bless your efforts!
Preacher Dave
Before you can download and read and print the tracts and other documents on this website, you will need PDF reader software on your computer. If you do not have any, you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC right now at this link: https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/pdf-reader.html
To view and read this reprintable document, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Christ-Mass and
christ-mass_and_other_catholic_holidays.pdf | |
File Size: | 479 kb |
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To view and read this 3-part reprintable document, click "Download file" to the right for each part. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Short, Daily Messages to Spark Revival in the Body of Christ:
When we witness to unbelievers, we often explain to them how they will be "a new creation in Christ" once they accept Him as Lord and Savior. Sadly, once we do receive Him as Lord and Savior, our "spirituality" usually consists of little more than simply being friendly to people and praising Jesus. While these are certainly good things, they do not really reflect evidence of a changed life.
As the years have passed by, God's people have become more like the world than ever. The body of Christ has become lukewarm and carnal. While we are continually looking for revival in the world, we've become oblivious to the fact that our values have become almost identical to theirs, and that revival is needed just as badly among those who are born again as it is needed in the world. This collection of short, daily messages addresses that problem, and is designed to bring revival to the body of Christ by waking up God's people and returning them to old-fashioned scriptural values and lifestyles. This is a much needed tool for church revival and to get us back to "that old time religion." 220 DAILY MESSAGES - FULLY ILLUSTRATED This document is in 3 parts, accessible by the 3 downloads below. Please download each of them for the complete document. Part 1 Download:
Part 2 Download:
Part 3 Download:
To view and read this reprintable document, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Free Guide: The abundance of scriptures in this message are "living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12), making it a great tool to pierce the soul and lead the sinner to salvation. This 21-page document uses scripture after scripture after scripture to build up faith in the reader, so that he will be ready to pray "the sinner's prayer" at the end of the presentation.
You can print this up as a packet and give it to those you have witnessed to before to reinforce your gospel message, give it to others who are seeking God, or ask your pastor if you can display copies in the church lobby. One man even printed up 12,000 copies and handed them out in Kenya's capital, Nairobi. As with all of the materials on this website, you can print and distribute as much as you like. Totally free! ![]()
To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Imagine If Tract: People have strange ideas about heaven. Some think it is like a drug-induced state, in which they float around like a mist or vapor. They believe they will simply experience one continuous emotion of joy, without any mental capacity. There's no real life, just feelings.
Others believe that we will spend all of eternity floating on a cloud, with no activity whatsoever, other than playing harps of gold. They think that we will just lie around, resting and indulging ourselves in laziness. Perhaps they plan to wave and smile at their friends as they pass by. Once again, no life. Unbelievers are disgusted by these ideas of heaven, so they don't want to have anything to do with it. Instead, they spend their entire lives fantasizing of how they wish things were, and how to make them happen. They don't realize that God has many of the things that they long for just waiting for them in heaven, if they will surrender their will to Christ. Imagine If is a gospel tract which uses scripture to show people some of the amazing things that God has for them in heaven, including eternal happiness, eternal youth, and even supernatural powers! This tract ends with a very clear and powerful presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. PLEASE NOTE: The file download below for this gospel tract is ready-to-print; so the title page appears at the end for printing purposes. Once printed and folded, the title page will appear at the beginning and everything will be in logical order.
PLEASE NOTE: The file download below for this gospel tract is ready-to-print; so the title page appears at the end for printing purposes. Once printed and folded, the title page will appear at the beginning and everything will be in logical order.
To view and read this reprintable document, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Is Catholicism Christian?: The pagan religion condemned most often in the scriptures, and which greatly contributed to God’s judgment upon Old Testament Israel was Baal worship. Shockingly, Baal worship is alive and well today, but most Christians don't recognize it.
The Romans Christianized Baal worship long, long ago. It’s everywhere, but its pagan nature is covered up, because it masquerades as Christian. A few true Christians are aware of it, but refuse to acknowledge it, because they don’t want to offend their friends and relatives. Most of our so-called “Christian” holidays (celebrations which were created for Baal worship) have been adopted from this pagan institution, and we have convinced ourselves that God is pleased by our celebration of them, but He’s not. That institution is known as Catholicism. The scriptures command us: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4) This is not a game! We need to stop calling this pagan religion “Christian,” because it isn’t, and we are offending God by saying that it is! Is Catholicism Christian is a chart which makes a 53-point comparison between Baal worship and Catholicism, proving that Catholicism is simply Baal worship deceptively presented to the world as Christian. A salvation message is added to the end of the chart presentation for those who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior. ![]()
To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Living In An
english_version--living_in_an_upside-down_world.pdf | |
File Size: | 300 kb |
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To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Noah, Atlantis,
english_version--noah_atlantis_and_the_ancients_april_13_2018.pdf | |
File Size: | 1048 kb |
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PLEASE NOTE: The file download below for this gospel tract is ready-to-print; so the title page appears at the end for printing purposes. Once printed and folded, the title page will appear at the beginning and everything will be in logical order.

english_version--is_history_repeating_itself_april_13_2018.pdf | |
File Size: | 1045 kb |
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To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Nobody's Perfect Tract: If you ask most people whether they think that they are good or not, they will say "Yes." Some people think that they are better than others for many different reasons. Some people are also religious. But even the best of us still blow it. Moses was the ideal example of this. Even though he was one of the holiest men to walk on this earth, he still sinned; and for one sin, God kept him from entering the promised land.
The point this tract makes is that nobody's perfect, so we are all condemned to hell. After all, only perfect people can go to heaven. Therefore, we need Jesus Christ to rescue us through His sacrifice for our sins on the cross. This tract contains a hard-hitting message, designed to convert the soul! PLEASE NOTE: The file download below for this gospel tract is ready-to-print; so the title page appears at the end for printing purposes. Once printed and folded, the title page will appear at the beginning and everything will be in logical order.
To view and read this reprintable document, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of The Rapture
the_rapture_and_the_two_witnesses_2_may_6_2020.pdf | |
File Size: | 717 kb |
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To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Watching Over
watching_over_your_family_may_23_2018.pdf | |
File Size: | 483 kb |
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To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of What the Bible
english_version-what_the_bible_says_about_mary.pdf | |
File Size: | 243 kb |
File Type: |
To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
PLEASE NOTE: The file download below for this gospel tract is ready-to-print; so the title page appears at the end for printing purposes. Once printed and folded, the title page will appear at the beginning and everything will be in logical order.
To view and read this reprintable gospel tract, click "Download file" to the right. Afterwards, click on the icon to save it to your computer, if you like.
Description of Why, God Tract: Throughout time, atheists, agnostics, and even those who are religious, have questioned God. They ask things like, “If you really exist, God, then why do You let bad things happen to good people?” or, “God, I am a good person. Why did you do this to me? I don’t deserve this!” and even, “God, why did you let my loved ones die? I hate you!”
We lose control of ourselves, and demand answers from God. We end up blaming everything on Him, and fail to realize that God is not responsible for our suffering, but that all suffering comes as a result of a fallen world, brought about by sin. While unbelievers regularly portray themselves as victims of an uncaring God who is completely unaffected by our suffering, this tract shows that the real Victim, who experienced more suffering than us all, was the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ, who loved us so much that He allowed Himself to be brutally tortured, beaten, and put to death on a cross for our sins. This tract will astonish and even bring tears to its readers, when they realize that God is not to blame, but they are, and Christ is the one who suffered as a result. This presentation is very logical, affecting the intellect, emotions, and conscience. It is designed to bring about an instant and genuine decision to follow Christ. PLEASE NOTE: The file download below for this gospel tract is ready-to-print; so the title page appears at the end for printing purposes. Once printed and folded, the title page will appear at the beginning and everything will be in logical order.
(Instructions for sharing or saving animated posts are at the end.)
To share or save an animated post, click on the lower right corner of the image. This will direct you to Revival Guy’s page on the GIPHY website. Once there, click on your chosen animated post/image, and you will be directed to a larger version of the image.
If you want to save the animated image to your computer, right click on the image, choose “Save image as…”, and save it in your videos library. If you want to, you can rename it.
If you want to share the animated image on social media, click on your chosen social media icon under “share it” (Be sure to click on the three dots to display more social media icons), then follow the social media’s instructions to post it.
If you want to put the animated image on your website, click “Embed,” then copy the “GIF embed code” and paste it onto your website.
If you want to save the animated image to your computer, right click on the image, choose “Save image as…”, and save it in your videos library. If you want to, you can rename it.
If you want to share the animated image on social media, click on your chosen social media icon under “share it” (Be sure to click on the three dots to display more social media icons), then follow the social media’s instructions to post it.
If you want to put the animated image on your website, click “Embed,” then copy the “GIF embed code” and paste it onto your website.